Optimal Aging

Caring hands-on services

Muscle-span: How long will your muscles keep working?

Aging Well Specialty




What is “functional fitness”? When you climb the stairs, get out of a chair, reach for a book at the library on the top shelf. When you walk to the corner, crouch down to pick up something or stand in the line at the grocery store the 613 muscles of your body are on guard. They keep movin’ and a shakin’ to help you through the day!

The “ADL’s” or activities of daily living are often the measurement used for the aging to know if they need help or assistance.

How do you measure up?

I can help!

Why do I say I can help?

On April 15, 1986 I was at a fitness class and I was 9 months pregnant! Since then, I can now say I have over 35 years of fitness training and experience!

Some common functional exercises include:

  • Push-ups.
  • Walking lunges.
  • Jump squats.
  • Jumping, lunging, or stepping onto an elevated surface.
  • Bodyweight squats.
  • Lateral bounds (running from side to side)
  • Jumping jacks.
  • Movements done while balancing on one leg.

Cynthia Breadner

At 20 years old, in the early 80’s, I was a member of the local YMCA. I loved fitness and testing my limits. From those years on I have learned and exposed myself to any and all learning. I began racing at 57 and have since completed a plethora of triathlons, hiking cross country and solo camping. Completing my first half marathon this year I am preparing for a 50 KM ultra cross country and a 106 mi hike through the Cotswolds in England this fall.

I have worked with aging adult fitness for the past 10 years. I am an aging adult myself so I have personal interest on this subject!

I am a certified CanFit Pro Fitness Instructor Specialist, Personal Trainer and a Healthy Eating and Weight Loss Coach. I hold a B.A. HONs., in Spiritual Wellness, Gerontology and a masters degree in Theology.  I am an author, columnist, educator, spiritual care provider and grief specialist.